Wildlife Photography
and More

Attracted to observing and photographing birds in flight, I love capturing moments of their brilliant native aerial ballet and intricate beauty. Fun discovering unusual poses and portraiture of all forms of wildlife, whether birds, bears, frogs, butterflies, or pets.
Interested also in images showing the beauty of nature and landscape. Add to that an eagerness to capture the drama of competition in youth sports events, nautical regattas, excitement in aviation, and the beauty of family photography.
About Me
After retiring from a long career in aviation, life has allowed me to polish the photographic skills developed over my years of worldly travel.
Now, the fun accelerates as I enjoy sharing my many new photographic experiences with you. Watch here and look for new imagery and opportunity. Always feel free to connect and join the discussion.
My stationary locations are primarily in Southern California and Michigan, but I travel to many other interesting sites to shoot images and video.

My latest work
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Latest Photo Samples
Flight Dreams, now available!
You learn to fly. In your dreams you learn to fly. All it takes is a good jump and some instinctive motion of your arms. Your arms, which are now your wings. You break away from your earthly prison on your new wings. Once airborne, everything becomes easy...
The book begins describing the dreams we all experience with the wonder of flight. Then a comprehensive discourse on the Osprey describes the author's favorite bird. The remainder of the book moves to photogenic locales, showing some of his best photography in those special places.
This book is a photographic record of the author’s journey with his cameras. Representing his love of birds and particularly birds in flight, these beautiful images were taken over a two- year period.

A Visit to Peru
Enjoy a virtual journey, or plan for a real one! This book can be your guide and prepare you for the experience if you decide to travel to Peru. Or, you can just enjoy the ride when reading this book
Discover the beauty and grandeur of the Andean mountains, which accentuate the complex culture of Inca and Wari civilizations.
Visual drama and cultural notes will keep you reading to learn more about Peru and its incredibly fascinating history, geology and civilization.