The Dowagiac Fly-in and Pancake Breakfast is always fun for the whole family when dedicated pilots of the local Experimental Aircraft Association, the Fire Department and City Officials get together to make it happen! Airport Manager and capable event planner Oscar Azavedo knows how to show the town and surrounding community a good time!
Local airplane owners pulled their birds out of their hangars for display. Many invited fliers who have beautiful restored antique airplanes arrived from other airports. There was a display of antique tractors, a couple of helicopters, and even an unusual propeller-powered bicycle. The beauty of flight was on full display!
While not officially invited for this purpose, I always have fun bringing a camera and working on interesting shots. In fact, I took over 500 images, which after processing boiled down 64. I hope you will find a few "favorites" when you peruse the gallery below.
Thanks for viewing,